The S.C.P. Foundation
What is the S.C.P. Foundation?
The SCP Foundation is an organization which is responsible for containing anomalous objects and entities that break the laws of science.
They work in secret and will only emerge if an SCP surfaces or they are returning to their homes. They have multiple facilities around the world and are in league with the leaders of every country. The police and public are not aware of their existence, only the government know of them. They have contained over 5000 SCPs in the time of their founding.
The Foundation was founded by a man named Aaron Siegel in 1891. It was made when he discovered a giant, blinding figure which he came across on his travels, then, the Foundation was born. ( If you want to know more about this giant figure, go to History and click "The First Sighting" )
Image of the Founder, Aaron Siegal
What Does SCP Mean?
What SCP means is right in the name SCP.
S - Secure
C - Contain
P - Protect
If the Foundation doesn't secure, contain, and protect these beings, the end of the world could happen. Or worse, the end of all creation.